Every now and then I update this page with campaign ideation, presentation slides and ‘almost-rans’. Why? Because thinking (and articulating that thinking) is a big part of getting work that works over the line.
I always think it’s a shame that we never see behind the scenes of a good idea. Mainly because I write a mean presentation rationale and hardly anyone ever gets to read them. So here’s some concept work we did for a UK retailer who was promoting international opportunities.
Our brief was complex, but it boiled down to content that worked in print and online. Our first route was a straightforward brochure that was 100% on brand, keeping the editorial, fashion-forward feel of previous work.
Our second route focused more on the experience of living and working in another country — the sights, sounds, smells and challenges. Online this would come to life in voice over testimonials, subtle animations and ambient sound.
Our third option was the most complex to plan out. We settled on a ‘choose your own adventure’ format that allowed users to flip or click to the content that interested them most. From there they would have options to explore the whole client offering in the order they wanted. This concept came into its own through Instagram, where the choosing mechanism came through clicking on tags within an image.
I found this little idea buried deep within my old freelance files, and it’s too cute not to share.
A couple of years ago Volvo were expanding into South Carolina and they wanted an introduction to the neighbourhood (and the workforce). We put this slightly left field concept together for them, bringing together southern hospitality and Swedish warmth in a fun, multi-channel teaser campaign.